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- Business Negotiations | ILCHAM - Izraelská o
Business negotiations The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia provides professional support and assistance in business negotiations, which are key to the successful establishment and development of business relations between Israel and Slovakia. We help our members reach favorable agreements that support their growth and development at the international level. Our support in business negotiations includes: 1 Preparation for negotiations We help you prepare for a business meeting, from analyzing needs to preparing arguments and strategies to achieve the best possible results. 2 Cultural and commercial diplomacy With our experience in the field of international trade and knowledge of the business cultures of both countries, we will help you overcome potential communication and cultural barriers. 3 Assistance in negotiations We provide direct support during the negotiations themselves, including interpreting, facilitating discussions and ensuring a professional environment. 4 Negotiating the best terms Our experts will help you get the most favorable conditions and protect your interests when negotiating contracts, business agreements or investments. 5 Post-negotiation counseling After the negotiations are concluded, we will provide you with support in the implementation of the agreed terms and ensure that all contracts and obligations are properly fulfilled. Contact us CONTACT
- Dokumenty | ILCHAM - Izraelská obchodná komora na Slovensku
Downloadable documents Publicly available documentation Elections 2022 Acceptance minutes from the ceremonial meeting regarding the eighth 3-year election period of the Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia in accordance with the valid statutes, registered at the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, file number: VVS/1-900/90-18363-6 Download Statutes Statutes of the Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia. Download
- About | ILCHAM - Izraelská obchodná komora na Slovensku
Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia is a voluntary non-profit civil association. It was founded in May 2001. It represents that part of society that tries to contribute to the advancement of Slovak society by supporting an agenda aimed at the development of mutually beneficial business relations and friendship between citizens of the Slovak Republic and citizens of the State of Israel. Among the reasons for the establishment were all the initiatives that are contained in the philosophy of the Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, namely: Inflow of foreign investments to the territory of our state Support of mutual economic, economic and cultural relations between business entities in Slovakia and Israel Obtaining information about trade and joint venture opportunities Providing information about the economic, legal and tax environment in Slovakia Organizing and participating in mutual business missions, workshops and acquisition trips in Israel (and Slovakia) Ensuring participation in exhibitions, fairs, lectures and seminars Protection and support of common economic interests in Slovakia Support for optimal relations for Israeli entrepreneurs operating in Slovakia Support for the development of tourism between countries Intensive cooperation between members of the Chamber Through agreed publishing and project activities, he tries to defend his composite philosophy, in which there is no place for racism, terrorism, nationalism and other negative manifestations of past and present events in the world. Contact
- Legal and Legislative Advice | ILCHAM - Izraelská o
Legal and legislative advice The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia offers expert legal and legislative advice, which is essential for successful and safe business in an international environment. We provide our members with access to the most up-to-date information on legislation in both Israel and Slovakia, enabling them to take informed actions and ensure that their business activities are in compliance with applicable regulations. Our legal and legislative services include: 1 Legal advice We help you navigate legal issues related to business between Israel and Slovakia, including contract law, intellectual property protection and labor law. 2 Legislative support We provide up-to-date information on legislative changes and regulations that may affect your business and offer solutions to adapt to these changes. 3 Establishment of companies We will support you in setting up companies and branches in both countries, including the preparation of the necessary documentation and the provision of permits. 4 Representation in legal actions We offer assistance in legal proceedings, be it negotiations with authorities, preparation and revision of contracts or representation before courts and institutions. 5 Ensuring compliance with regulations We help you comply with all local laws and regulations, including tax and customs laws, to avoid legal risks and fines. Contact us CONTACT
- Investment Advice | ILCHAM - Izraelská o
Investment advice The Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia provides comprehensive investment advice for companies and individuals who want to explore and take advantage of investment opportunities between Israel and Slovakia. We offer our members expert advice, up-to-date information on market trends and valuable contacts to help them make informed decisions and maximize the return on their investments. We will ensure that your investments comply with the local regulations and legislation of both countries. Thanks to our experience and strong international ties, we can help you successfully enter new markets and optimize your investment strategies. Our investment advice includes: 1 Identification of investment opportunities We will help you find suitable sectors and projects that are in line with your business goals and objectives. 2 Market analysis We provide detailed analyzes of markets and sectors that will help you better understand the risks and benefits of investing in Slovakia or Israel. 3 Support during negotiations Our experts will accompany you in business negotiations and help ensure the best conditions for your investments. 4 Connection with partners and investors We provide access to a network of investors, financial institutions and strategic partners who can help you realize your projects faster and more efficiently. Contact us CONTACT
- About | ILCHAM - Izraelská obchodná komora na Slovensku
STATUTES Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia Article I. Basic Provisions The civic association Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia (hereinafter referred to as the Chamber) was established by a decision of its founding members and the approval of these Statutes in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 83/1990 Coll. as amended on the association of citizens. The list of founding members, as specified in Annex No. 1, forms an integral part of these Statutes. Article II. Name of the Chamber The name of the civic association is "Izraelská obchodná komora na Slovensku" in Slovak and "Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovak Republic" in English. Article III. Seat of the Chamber The seat of the Chamber is: 811 04 Bratislava, Leškova 7. The Chamber is registered as a civic association with its seat in Bratislava. Article IV. Duration The Chamber is established for an indefinite period. Article V. Subject of Activity The Chamber is an independent, voluntary association of natural and legal persons. The subject of its activities is to support, develop, and further deepen friendly, business, cultural, educational, and informational relations between the Slovak Republic and the State of Israel, with a main focus on: 1. developing mutual economic relations between businesses in the Slovak Republic and Israel; 2. providing information about trade and joint business opportunities in the fields of industry, agriculture, finance, transportation, technology, real estate, etc.; 3. providing information on the economic, legal, and tax environment of business activities in Slovakia and Israel; 4. organizing mutual business and cultural missions; 5. ensuring participation in exhibitions, fairs, lectures, and seminars related to the subject of the Chamber's activities; 6. cooperating with professional organizations and other foreign chambers of commerce; 7. protecting and supporting joint economic interests; 8. safeguarding the economic interests of its members; 9. publishing informational and promotional materials according to an agreed timeline; 10. project cooperation with charitable and non-profit organizations; 11. promoting the business and social activities of individual members of the Chamber. In order to carry out its activities, the Chamber contacts business entities in both the Slovak Republic and Israel and approaches state authorities, offices, and other institutions in Slovakia and Israel. The Chamber operates throughout the Slovak Republic. The Chamber has the character of a non-profit organization. Article VI. Membership in the Chamber Membership in the Chamber can be obtained by a natural or legal person who agrees with the Chamber's Statutes, pays the membership fees approved by the Board of Directors, and participates in the work and activities of the Chamber. A. Members of the Chamber 1. Founding Members: This category includes members who founded the Chamber and approved the initial wording of the Statutes. 2. Regular Members: Natural persons whose activities are connected with life in Israel, individual entrepreneurs, business companies, and other legal entities conducting business activities. 3. Honorary Members: Natural persons or legal entities awarded honorary membership in the Chamber for their merits in the development of the work and fulfillment of the Chamber's activities. B. Acquisition of Membership Membership in the Chamber is acquired by submitting a written application. Each applicant for membership must have two sponsors for joining the Chamber. Membership decisions are made by the General Assembly of the Chamber based on the proposal of the Board of Directors. Applications may be rejected, or membership may be suspended without stating reasons. There is no right of appeal against such a decision. An applicant becomes a valid member of the Chamber upon receiving written confirmation from the Chamber and paying the membership fee. Honorary membership is granted by the Board of Directors with a minimum two-thirds majority of all Board members based on a proposal from the General Assembly members. C. Suspension and Termination of Membership Membership in the Chamber is suspended automatically without the need for further decision by the Chamber's authorities if criminal proceedings against a member of the Chamber end with a conviction by the court from the day of the court's announcement of this conviction. If the reasons for the suspension of membership cease to exist (i.e., the conviction has been quashed by the relevant court and the member, against whom the criminal proceedings were conducted, is viewed as innocent of committing a crime), the member shall notify the Chamber of this fact, and membership shall be restored from the day of notification. If a conviction against a member of the Chamber becomes final, the procedure follows point 3, letter C of this article. During the suspension of membership, the member loses membership in the Chamber's organs and may not be elected to the Chamber's organs. Membership in the Chamber ceases to exist: 1. By withdrawal: membership ceases on the day of delivery of a written notice to the Board of Directors about withdrawal from the Chamber. 2. By failure to pay the annual membership fee by the end of May of each following calendar year. 3. By expulsion: for violation of the statutes or conduct that harms the good name of the Chamber. Expulsion is decided by the General Assembly. 4. The of the Chamber decides on expulsion based on a proposal from the Board of Directors, with a majority vote. 5. The member is informed of the outcome without stating the reasons for the decision. 6. Membership ceases upon the death of a member or the dissolution of a legal entity, if its rights and obligations do not pass to its legal successor. 7. Membership also ceases with the dissolution of the Chamber. 8. In the case of suspension, expulsion, or withdrawal from the Chamber, the member is not entitled to the return of membership fees. Article VII. Dissolution of the Chamber The Chamber is dissolved by voluntary liquidation, based on a decision of the Board of Directors, or by merging with another Chamber or association. The Board of Directors approves such a decision by a two-thirds majority of votes. In the event of the dissolution of the association according to Section 12, paragraph 1, letter b) of Act No. 83/1990 Coll., a designated liquidator will carry out the liquidation of the Chamber's assets. Article VIII. Capacity The Chamber is an independent legal entity with full legal personality. In legal relations, it acts in its own name and is liable for its obligations with all its assets. Members of the Chamber are not liable for the Chamber's obligations. The Chamber is capable of purchasing or selling movable or immovable property that is necessary for fulfilling its established goals. It may accept donations and inherit under legally stipulated conditions. Article IX. Benefits of Membership 1. Reduction of risks associated with doing business with the State of Israel – familiarization with legislation and business practices. 2. Coordination of the Chamber's activities with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic, the Embassy of the State of Israel in Vienna, the Embassy of the State of Israel in the Slovak Republic, and the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. 3. Constant access to market information. 4. Individualized approach in preparing and executing specific contracts. 5. Information about upcoming activities of the Chamber. 6. Access to cultural events, lectures, seminars, etc. 7. Organizing and facilitating mutual relations among Chamber members. Article X. Rights and Duties of Members Rights of Members 1. To propose the admission of new members and to be elected to the governing bodies of the Chamber. 2. To participate in the activities of the Chamber. 3. To be informed about the activities of the Chamber. 4. To attend the events of the Chamber. 5. To withdraw and terminate their membership in the Chamber. Duties of Members 1. To adhere to the Statutes of the Chamber. 2. To pay the membership fees of the Chamber. 3. To participate in the activities and work of the Chamber. 4. To provide truthful information and data about themselves and their companies. Article XI. Authorities The authorities of the Chamber are: 1. General Assembly of the Chamber Members 2. Board of Directors 3. Supervisory Board 4. Permanent Secretariat of the Chamber 5. Statutory body of the Chamber General Assembly of the Chamber Members 1. The General Assembly of the Chamber Members is the highest authority of the Chamber. 2. The General Assembly meets as needed, but at least once a year. 3. The meeting is convened by the Chairman of the Board or a designated member of the Board. 4. The General Assembly of the Chamber is quorum if a majority of the Chamber Members are present. 5. The General Assembly of the Chamber appoints and dismisses members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board. 6. It elects and dismisses the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chamber. 7. It elects and dismisses the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Chamber. 8. The General Assembly of the Chamber empowers the Board of Directors to prepare and approve new or amended wording of the Chamber's Statutes in accordance with the approved amendments and supplements and to submit these to the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. 9. It makes decisions on mergers or the dissolution of the Chamber. 10. It appoints a liquidator in the event of the Chamber's liquidation. Board of Directors The responsibilities of the Board of Directors include: 1. Approving the Chamber's budget 2. Financial matters 3. Approving the focus of activities, work, and events of the Chamber 4. Accepting new members and cancelling membership in the Chamber 5. Implementing the decisions of the General Assembly of the Chamber Establishment and Composition of the Board of Directors 1. The Board of Directors consists of 11 members (10 members and the chairman). 2. Members of the Board and the chairman are elected and dismissed by the General Assembly of the Chamber by a majority vote of the members present. 3. The General Assembly of the Chamber first elects the chairman of the Board on the proposal of the Chamber members, and subsequently, upon the proposal of the elected chairman of the Board, it elects the other members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board. 4. A majority of the votes of the members present at the General Assembly is required to elect the chairman of the Board of Directors. 5. A majority of the votes of the members present at the General Assembly is required to elect members of the Board of Directors. 6. A member of the Board of Directors may be a member of the Chamber or a statutory representative or managing director of a legal entity. 7. The founding members of the Chamber elect the first members of the Board of Directors and the chairman by a majority vote. 8. Membership in the Board of Directors is a voluntary and unpaid position. Activities of the Board of Directors 1. The term of office for members of the Board of Directors is 3 years. 2. Membership in the Board of Directors ceases upon resignation, upon the expiration of the term, or by dismissal for unjustified absence at three consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors. 3. A vacancy created by the resignation or dismissal of a member of the Board may be filled by the Board of Directors through co-option until the next meeting. General Assembly of the Chamber 1. This assembly will either confirm the co-option or elect a new member to the board. 2. The Board of Directors is convened as needed by the chairman (or a designated member of the Board) and is quorum if a majority of its members are present. 3. A majority of the present votes is required to make a decision unless otherwise specified in these Statutes. 4. In the event of the absence of Board members, a decision can be obtained per rollam in the form of a circular. 5. In the event of a tie vote, the chairman of the Board of Directors has the deciding vote. 6. The Board of Directors is required to evaluate all proposals, suggestions, and remarks from the Chamber members, make decisions, and inform the relevant proposers. Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board is the control body of the Chamber, elected and dismissed by the General Assembly of the Chamber by a majority vote of the members present. The exclusive responsibilities of the Supervisory Board include: 1. Monitoring the implementation of the Chamber's budget 2. Supervising the bookkeeping and financial management of the Chamber 3. Preparing a written report on the results of the audit and presenting it to the Board of Directors with proposals for addressing any shortcomings. The results of the supervisory activities are also reported to the General Assembly of the Chamber members. Establishment and Composition of the Supervisory Board 1. The Supervisory Board consists of three members (2 members and a chairman). 2. A member of the Supervisory Board may be a member of the Chamber or a statutory representative or managing director of a legal entity. 3. The founding members of the Chamber elect the first members of the Supervisory Board and the chairman by a majority vote. 4. Membership in the Supervisory Board is a voluntary and unpaid position. Activities of the Supervisory Board 1. The term of office is three years. 2. Membership in the Supervisory Board ceases upon resignation, expiration of the term, or dismissal due to unjustified absence from three consecutive meetings of the Board. 3. The Supervisory Board can fill a vacant position by co-opting a new member until the next meeting of the General Assembly of the Chamber. This assembly will either confirm the co-option or elect a new member. The meetings of the Supervisory Board are convened by the chairman once every six months, who presides over them and manages the activities of the Supervisory Board between meetings. 4. The Supervisory Board is capable of making decisions if a majority of its members are present. 5. A majority of those present is required to make decisions unless otherwise specified in the Statutes. 6. In the case of member absences, a decision can be obtained per rollam in the form of a circular. Permanent Office of the Chamber 1. The Permanent Office is led by the General Secretary of the Chamber. 2. Based on the conclusions of the General Assembly of the Chamber Members, the Board of Directors, and the instructions from the Chairman of the Board, it organizes and administratively ensures the activities and functions of the Chamber, as well as providing advisory services for its members. 3. Ensuring communication and informing members of the Chamber about activities and events. 4. Preparing and coordinating the internal program of the Chamber – proposals for meetings and decisions for the General Assembly, Board of Directors, and Supervisory Board. 5. Managing the database of information and obtaining new information necessary for the work of the Chamber and the needs of its members. 6. Conducting the correspondence of the Chamber and archiving it. 7. Managing the Chamber’s treasury and maintaining records of its financial status. Statutory Body of the Chamber The following representatives may represent the Chamber and act personally in its name: 1. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chamber 2. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Chamber These representatives act independently. Article XII. Employees of the Chamber The Chamber may employ staff either internally or externally to meet its own needs and requirements. The number of positions and their specific focus, as well as the level of salaries and compensation, are proposed and approved by the Board of Directors at the request of the chairman. Individual positions are filled based on the needs of the Chamber, with the qualification of the employee being the determining criterion. In employment relations, the Chamber is represented by its chairman. Article XIII. Financial Resources and Management of the Chamber The sources of the Chamber's assets are: 1. Membership fees – the amount is determined by the Board of Directors for each year 2. Donations and contributions from legal or natural persons 3. Sponsorship donations 4. Other contributions and grants. The Chamber's management is carried out according to the approved budget by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for the financial management of the Chamber. Financial resources may be used for: 1. The administration and organization of the Chamber 2. Fulfilling the subject of activities as outlined in Article I of these Statutes 3. The activities of the authorities within their competencies. Article XIV. Amendments and Supplements Amendments and supplements to these Statutes are approved by the Board of Directors of the Chamber. Article XV. Fiscal Year The fiscal year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. Article XVI. Final Provisions These Statutes were approved by the Board of Directors of the Chamber on: May 30, 2013. As of this date, the Statutes approved by the Board of the Chamber on May 25, 2011, lose their validity. Upon the effectiveness of these Statutes, the original Statutes, registered with the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic under number VVS/1-900/90-18363-3 on June 17, 2011, are hereby revoked. These Statutes are prepared in the Slovak language. Download the Statutes
- About | ILCHAM - Izraelská obchodná komora na Slovensku
History of the chamber The history of the civil association Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia dates back to 2001, when trade and diplomatic relations between Israel and the Slovak Republic began to develop significantly. The Chamber was established to strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries and to create a platform for entrepreneurs looking for new business opportunities. Since its inception, the chamber has played a key role in supporting investment, trade and technological development between Slovakia and Israel. It started as an initiative of a small number of visionaries and entrepreneurs from both countries, who saw great potential in the connection of the Israeli innovation culture and the Slovak growing market. Over the years, the chamber has grown and expanded its activities, while today it serves as a strategic partner for many companies and entrepreneurs. The Chamber actively organized business delegations, networking events, seminars and conferences, thereby creating a platform for the exchange of information, new ideas and technologies. Significant milestones in its history have been the signing of partnerships with government institutions and the expansion of membership to key players from various sectors, including technology, healthcare, finance and energy. Today, the Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia represents a recognized actor in the international business environment and continues its mission to deepen trade and investment relations between Israel and Slovakia. "The birth of the Chamber was not easy. At first, I resisted the offer of Israeli friends to create such a civic initiative. Then the person who had it registered with the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic refused to provide an empty sign with the name Slovak-Israeli Chamber of Commerce to the emerging citizens' initiative, even though he had no existing chamber of commerce of the given type. In the end, many Slovak businessmen were reluctant to join it because of the not-happily chosen alternative name of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, even though they were favorably disposed to the idea of friendship and business cooperation with the State of Israel, so that they would not be unnecessarily suspected by those around them of having hidden Jewish ancestors, or that they themselves are only well-hidden Jews," recalls Miloš Žiak, the founding chairman of the Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia. Read more
- Services and Support | ILCHAM - Izraelská o
Services and support At the Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, we focus on supporting and strengthening business relations between Israel and Slovakia. Our "Services and Support" section offers a wide range of professional services designed to help entrepreneurs, investors and organizations achieve their goals. Whether you're looking for market advice, business start-up assistance or access to valuable information and contacts, our team of experts is here for you. Together we create an environment that supports innovation, shares know-how and optimizes business opportunities so that you can successfully expand your business internationally. Investment consulting Business negotiations Legal and legislative advice Partnerships and Networking
- Partnerships and Networking | ILCHAM - Izraelská o
Partnerships and Networking The Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia offers its members a unique opportunity to build and expand business contacts through exclusive networking events and strategic partnerships. Our goal is to bring together entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders from various industries and create a platform for successful cooperation between Israel and Slovakia. Chamber membership opens the door to a dynamic network of entrepreneurs, investors and experts looking for new ways to collaborate, innovate and grow on a global level. Our networking and partnership services include: 1 Exclusive business events We organize regular meetings, conferences and workshops where you can meet key players in the business environment and discuss new business opportunities. 2 B2B meetings We mediate individual meetings between companies and entrepreneurs who are looking for business partners, investors or new market opportunities. 3 Liaison with government and institutional officials We enable direct contact with decision-making authorities and representatives of government institutions, which facilitates business activities and investment processes. 4 International network of contacts We use our extensive international ties to connect our members with relevant partners in Israel and Slovakia, thereby creating new business opportunities and synergies. 5 Support in the development of partnerships We help our members develop long-term and strategic partnerships that are key to success in international markets. Contact us CONTACT
- About | ILCHAM - Izraelská obchodná komora na Slovensku
Authorities Chairman of the Board of the Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia: Patrik Zoltvány Board of Directors: Andrej ALEKSIEV Anton BIELIK Peter LUKEŠ Martin KIŇO Jozef KLEIN Martin KOHÚT Martin KREKÁČ Michal KUKULA Martin ŠAMAJ Supervisory Board: Martin Čižmárik – Chairman Slavomír Mladý Erik Schwarcz Honorary Chairman: Miloš Žiak Minutes from the election
- About | ILCHAM - Izraelská obchodná komora na Slovensku
About us The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia is a voluntary non-profit civic association and was founded in May 2001 Our task is the development of mutual economic relations between business entities in Slovakia and Israel. We are a business organization, strictly non-profit and apolitical. We are dedicated to the market economy and free enterprise and we are helpful in creating business ties, which opens the way for strengthening diplomatic relations. We represent various economic sectors, including export, import, trade, real estate, financial and business services, and provide advice to individual business entities. statutes
- Ilcham Slovensko | Israeli chamber of commerce
Welcome to the website of the Israel Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia! We are a dynamic and innovative organization that focuses on the support and development of business relations between Israel and Slovakia. Our Chamber creates a platform for entrepreneurs, investors and experts who want to deepen cooperation and expand their business within these two countries. The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia is a voluntary non-profit civil association. It was founded in May 2001. It represents that part of society that tries to contribute to the progress of Slovak society by supporting an agenda aimed at the development of mutually beneficial business relations and friendship between citizens of the Slovak Republic and citizens of the State of Israel. Unveiling of the memorial plaque of Thomas Buergenthal in Ľubochňa September 18, 2024 At the memorial service, Thomas was awarded honorary citizenship in memoriam as a tribute to his lifelong contribution to humanity. Thomas Buergenthal was an important international lawyer, university teacher and former judge of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. He dedicated his whole life to the fight for justice and human rights. He was born on May 11, 1934 in Ľubochno. He survived the Holocaust, and his story is a sign of resilience and courage. After escaping from the ghetto in Kielce and the Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen concentration camps, he emigrated to the USA in the 1950s, where he studied law. Thomas Buergenthal died in Miami on May 29, 2023. The monument serves to honor his life and work, and we believe it will contribute to strengthening our values of mutual respect and cooperation. We are proud to have helped to symbolically return Thomas Buergenthal to his native Ľubochna, the place of his childhood. Play Video Play Video 06:18 Israel 68 Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Israel 68 reasons to celebrate Israel: diversity, hi-tech, fun, delicious snacks and much more. Share this to wish Israel a happy 68th birthday! Credits: Director: Roy Krispel Producer: Gil Roeh- Zed Films Dop- Matan Balalty Actors: Roy Assaf, Shany Verchik Art Director: Tamar Gadish Production manager: Jonathan Bergman Editor: Oz Gutman Costumes: Einat Cohen Makeup Artist: Shani Alexander Sound Designer:Yossi Rabinovich- Bassline Post Production:Tal Gutberg Casting: Rachel Shlomo Play Video Play Video 00:40 Visit Israel Jerusalem Tel Aviv - Vacation Beyond Belief! | Book Your Trip Now! Play Video Play Video 03:29 Visit Israel Israel - Vacation Beyond Belief Video by Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Discover more about Israel on: www.goisrel.com www.citiesbreak.com Play Video Play Video 07:25 TEDx Talks I Love Being Jewish | Jane Parven | TEDxNatick We should all embrace our cultural and ethnic heritage like Jane Parven. With her Jewish identity as her lens, Jane looks for ways to combat hate wherever it arises and to overcome the idea of being “too small to make a difference”. A lesson for all of us, from a teenager wise beyond her years. Jane is currently a senior at Natick High School. In addition to her role as class treasurer, she is an active member of the speech team, and communications coordinator of her acapella group. Jane also enjoys cooking, yoga, and spending time with her family and friends. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx Play Video Play Video 10:35 TEDx Talks The Secret Sauce of Israeli Entrepreneurship | Yossi Vardi | TEDxIDC The Secret Sauce of Israeli Entrepreneurship Vardi began his entrepreneurial career in 1969, at the age of 26, as co-founder and first CEO of TEKEM, one of the first software houses in Israel (later sold to Tadiran and then absorbed into Ness Technologies). In 1970, he was appointed Director General of the Ministry of Development. He served as chairman of Israel Chemicals of Mifaley Tovala, of Harsit and Hol Zach, and a member of the board of Israel Electric Corporation, Dead Sea Works, Dead Sea Bromine, Dead Sea Periclase, Haifa Chemicals, Chemicals and Phosphates, and others. He also chaired the Oil Explorations Concessions Council and Fertilizers Development Council. He was sent to the U.S. to serve as the Director of the Investment Authority in North America, and Consul For Economic Affairs of the State of Israel in New York. In that capacity he took part in the creation of the Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD-F). He acted as an advisor to the Israeli mission to the U.N.. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx Play Video Play Video 00:58 Visit Israel Tel Aviv Jerusalem - Two Cities One Break. Book your trip now! Play Video Play Video 01:02 יובל גסר צילומי אוויר צילום ב360 tlv 2022 - תל אביב ישן מול חדש -יובל גסר צילומי אוויר 050-5909555 תל אביב 2022 ישן מול חדש-יובל גסר צילומי אוויר 050-5909555 Play Video Play Video 27:15 The Walk Channel Tel Aviv City Center to Beach Walk Tour | Israel 🇮🇱 | May 2022 | 4K 60 FPS Walking in Israel Tel Aviv City center to beach early in the morning at weekend. Enjoy a new walking tour on a beautiful spring day. Like and follow for more 🎬 #thewalkchannel #virtualwalk #walkingtour #4Kwalking #israel #telaviv #walk #ambience #nomad #travel Members of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia Law firm SEMANČÍN & PARTNERS sro Bratislava Jozef Semančín Contact us Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia Seat: Štefanovičova 12 811 04 Bratislava e-mail: ilcham@ilcham.sk Name Email Message Send Thank you for your message!